It’s July. And I’m Relieved.

Though March and April had their ups and downs, June was the month that got me.  In chronological order, June was a month of…

…not getting a job that I was told was “guaranteed.”
…a break-up.
…losing my best friend, Oscar.
…losing my half sister, Karen, to a long battle with complications from Lyme Disease.

Along with other, more trivial disappointing events in my life, these are the bigger let-downs, obviously some things more significant than others. It honestly felt like I was being hit with bad news and disappointment every way I turned.  It felt like I had no time to recover from anything, and it seemed as though each thing was worse than the thing preceding it.  Perhaps most significantly, as I was still grieving the loss of my dog, I found out about my half sister, and I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me.  Each and every thing was building up all around me and I felt there was no escape from it all.

When I was in New York this past weekend, I had time to take a step back from the reality of all that has come at me over the past few weeks.  On Sunday, for the first time in over a month, I felt like myself.  I felt happy.  I was able to put everything out of my mind, if only for a few hours.  And then it hit me: June was over.  In a half-hearted attempt to make myself feel better about everything, I reminded myself that it was July 1st, and thus the first half of this–sometimes very disappointing–year was over; it was a new month and fresh start.  I told myself that things could only improve.

July is a mere five days in, and so far, in chronological order, it has been a month of…

…volunteering at a wonderful dog adoption event in NYC (with Adopt NY).  And falling in love with one adorable puppy.  I knew it would happen but I’m not sure if the timing is right.
…a 105-pound split jerk at CrossFit…a new PR!
…a job offer!  Which I accepted!  I am now the Marketing Assistant at a nonprofit in the Hartford area.  I am really, really excited about this job…it’s just the direction I wanted to take.
…visiting my friend Jason, who I met when I studied abroad in London.  My visit included: a trip to the gym (with 7 minutes of burpees, “Annie” in 6:56 [14 seconds faster than a week ago!], and a 200-pound deadlift, which is a 55 pound PR from four weeks ago!); a stop at the Whole Foods salad bar, and an amazingly delicious dinner later on; and Fourth of July fireworks on his friend’s rooftop deck.


I’m so grateful that everything is turning around.  I’m honestly not entirely sure what the point of this post is, but more than anything I think it’s a chance for me to reflect on all that has happened and all the good that is coming my way.

I truly believe that I wouldn’t have these difficulties and challenges thrown in my direction if I couldn’t handle them.  In the end, though I’m still struggling with the aforementioned things that happened in June, I am doing better, I am stronger and better for having gone through all of this, and every single day is going to bring more good my way.